Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day | August 28
Mon Aug 28th

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

On August 28th, we'll remember the pet companions we've lost on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.


The death of a pet, whether furry, feathered, or an unusual breed, is felt deeply. They've become a family and a familiar part of our lives. Everyone's death is different, and the observance helps ease the agony of loss.

The agony of loss is real. We remember the companionship and support they provided to us as each individual travels through their grief. Don't forget that part of your friendship included medical services provided by you. The empty space left by the loss of a beloved pet is often a difficult void to crack..

Celebrate the house you built and the joy your beloved pet brought you in return. When you're set, you'll know it's time to find a new "critter" to replace the emptiness felt. There are several species of animals that are yet to find a home. You will be their new home in time..

How to celebrate rainbow bridge remembrance day?

Take time to enjoy memories of your pet. Taking a look at the pictures. If you're feeling up, consider a trip to an animal shelter if you're interested. Volunteering time can aid with the transition. To post on social media, use the hashtag #RainbowBridgeRemembranceDay.

History is documented by the rainbow bridge remembrance day

M. Jazz, Deborah Barnes founded Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day in honor of her cat, Mr. Jazz. Cats are fascinating and lovable, little friends to have around the house. When they leave us, we miss them. It's the same as any other dog, honestly..

Rainbow bridge FAQ

Q. Who wrote the poem "The Rainbow Bridge"?

A. Several writers claim to be the author of the poem.

When is National Find A Rainbow Day?

National Find A Rainbow Day is April 3. A. National Find A Rainbow Day is April 3.