Sourest Day | October 25
Wed Oct 25th

Sourest Day

Sourest Day follows on the heels of Sweetest Day. On October 25th, this year's sourest day is celebrated annually.


This day is for you if life is giving you lemons or you feel like a grumpy Gus. Take your glass-half-full attitude and spread the joy -er- gloom. Smiles will be banished!! They're all replaced with pouts and terrible frowns as pouts and sarcastic frowns.

In your petulant mood, Wallow is in your petulant mood. Take sulking to new lows. Take sulking to new lows. The midnight train came outta town, with a clown catching it. Develop a harrumph worthy of trademarking.. Scowl is so bad that people will get a whiff of it before they even see you. When walking by a skein of yarn, it will leap onto your brow that has already knitted. That's just how sour you need to be on this day.

How to celebrate sourest day is a mystery.

All day, we have a sour day. Bet you can't stay sour all day!! On social media, use the hashtag #SourestDay to post.

Sourest day history

Richard Ankli of Ann Arbor, Michigan, created this counterpoint holiday in 1977 to honor a friend with a Sauer last name and a birthday landing on October 25th..

Sour FAQ

What are the five basic tastes?

A. Many experts agree that we should try five common tastes on our tongues. The five basic tastes are sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami, also known as savory. However, we do also have two other tastes – astringent and pungent. While we may recognize the first five, astringent and pungent become more familiar as they are described.

  • Astringent - Tannins embedded in the bark, skin, and other parts of some foods we eat make our tongues pucker or feel dry. - For example, dry wine has more tannins from contact with the grape skins, and when we drink it, the wine appears dry on our tongues, even though it's a liquid.. This sensation will also be caused by fresh grapes, apples, and teas.
  • Pungent – This sensation brings heat to our tongues and lips. A pungent sensation can be caused by jalapenos, peppermint, and mustard

Q. My friend is in a sour mood. How can I cheer her up? How can I cheer her up?

A. Trying to cheer up a petulant friend can take some time, depending on the circumstances. You can try these tips instead of showering her with a completely different attitude (sweet, that is).

  • Tell a joke or a funny tale
  • Try listening to them. Often just being able to express how we feel makes us feel better
  • They can watch a sitcom or funny movie together. They can't
  • They can go for a walk together. Exercise results in endorphins, which are one of our bodies' happy hormones.