What is National Clean Beauty Day?
This survey encourages advertisers to produce clean and sustainable beauty products from the start of their life cycle to the end. At the same time, the holiday educates consumers about the benefits of healthier product choices. For a more sustainable world, the movement is calling for a change in our clean beauty practices..
Clean Beauty concentrated solely on formulas and ingredients up until now. Clean Beauty has to mean more than ever before. It must incorporate everything from ingredient source to manufacturing techniques, focusing on customer transparency, and the desire to innovate for future generations.
Plastic is the world's largest plastic producer. Every year, the world exports 260 million tons of plastic. Less than ten percent of it will ever be recycled. Plastic by weight or as litter in our immediate environment by 2050, according to estimates, the ocean will have more plastic by weight than fish by 2050.
National Clean Beauty Day is a call to action for the beauty industry to produce clean ingredients in beauty-friendly products. It also honors the changemakers who are making circular, restorative products. Clean Beauty empowers future generations by establishing a more sustainable beauty market.