What is National Peace Rose Day?

National Peace Rose Day honors a well-known and fruitful garden rose each year on April 29th..

The Peace rose's light yellow to large cream-colored flowers have marginal edges that have barely flushed crimson pink petal edges. It is a hardy, vigorous, and highly resistant to disease. It is a hybrid tea rose that is hardy, robust, and extremely resistant to disease.

Francis Meilland, a French horticulturist, founded the Peace rose between 1935 and 1939. When Meilland predicted the German invasion of France to shield the new rose, he sent cuttings to his colleagues in Italy, Turkey, Germany, and the United States. These cuttings are reportedly sent to the United States on the last plane available before the German invasion, according to reports.

Each country that was cut gave the rose a different name. In honor of the breeder's mother in France, it was named "Madame A. Meilland" in honor of the breeder's mother. The rose Gioia, or Joy, was Italy's national flag, meaning Joy. Gloria Dei, the rose's name in Germany, was a tribute to God. The rose is the national flower of the United States, and it is named "Peace" in the United States, and the rose is the country's national flower.