What is National Pina Colada Day?

On National Pina Colada Day, a sweet, rum-based cocktail is named on National Pina Colada Day. A Pina Colada also includes cream of coconut and pineapple juice and is usually served blended or shaken with ice and is often served with ice or shaken with ice.


Pina Colada refers to the drink's newly extracted and strained pineapple juice. strained pineapple juice is used in the dish.

Although pineapples have long been a part of rum's distillation history, coconut didn't turn up until later. Pina colada was the first written mention of a pina colada in 1922. However, two separate traces to the pina colada's establishment in 1952 come from San Juan. Neither wavers from their tale were able to tell.

No matter who created the first creamy, sweet rum drink, it is forever infused with the ocean and beaches. No matter who made the first creamy, sweet rum drink. The cocktail's vibrant color hints at sunshine and vacation. The pineapple's freshness makes us think of suntans, but the pineapple's freshness provides a refreshing note of summer breezes.