What is National Poinsettia Day?

On National Poinsettia Day, people from around the country celebrate one of the holidays' most popular plants of the holidays each year on December 12th.

The relationship between the poinsettia plant and the Christmas season begins in 16th-century Mexico. According to a legend, a teen wanted desperately to celebrate Jesus' birthday. The teen was worried that because she was so poor, she would have no gift to offer. An angel warns an angel to give any gift with love. The young girl placed weeds in the manger after collecting weeds along the road. The weeds turned into stunning red stars, Miraculously.

With Joel Roberts Poinsett, an American botanist and the first US Minister to Mexico, the poinsettia arrived in the United States. In 1825, he sent cuttings home to Charleston, South Carolina.

However, the poinsettia didn't appear in American culture until the 1920s. Nevertheless, it wasn't until the 1920s that the poinsettia first took root in American history. Paul Ecke, a second-generation farmer in California, discovered a grafting technique that caused the seedlings to branch. Hawking their Christmas flower at roadside stands, Paul Ecke Jr. later increased sales of the poinsettia by shipping and marketing.

#nationalpoinsettiaday is a holiday in the United States. Here's how to celebrate #nationalpoinsettiaday