What is National Relaxation Day?
THE NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY is August 15th. NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY is August 15th. NATIONAL RELAXATION DAY is August 15 – August 15 – August 15th.
On August 15th, National Relaxation Day encourages us to relax and unwind. It's a day to take care of ourselves and take a moment to relax.
National Relaxation Day is a significant day, as we all need a break from the fast-paced and often rushed lifestyles we live. Many health risks can also be avoided by taking time to relax and restore our exhausted minds and bodies. Excess work can make us sick, run-down, and exhausted, as the day's founder said, and that's just wrong.
But he was correct! Stress has been shown to be both mentally and physically debilitating our health. Most doctors would agree that finding ways to relax and finding ways to reduce stress will improve overall wellbeing.
What is your favorite relaxation activity?