What is World Adoption Day?

Every year, World Adoption Day encourages adoptees to share their stories on November 9th. Adoption parents are also a day for adoptive parents to connect with others and reflect on their adoption journeys.

Adoption can be a wonderful way to become parents for couples who are experiencing the agony of infertility. However, there are several other groups of people who adopt children each year. Perhaps they simply want to provide a home for a child in need. Or, perhaps a woman has a medical condition that makes it difficult to carry a baby. Some adopt because they are single but want to have children, but others adopt because they are single.

On the other hand of the spectrum, there are several reasons why children are rejected for adoption. An unwed mother may feel she is too young to take responsibility for a child. Or, a mother may find that they do not have enough funds to properly care for a child. Unfortunately, many children are in need of a home when one or both parents die.

While adopting is a wonderful process, it can also be sad to learn that the number of children in need of a home is in need of a home. More than 150 million children around the world are in need of a home, according to the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). This number includes the nearly half a million children that are in the United States foster system.

How to celebrate #worldadoptionday