What is World Storytelling Day?
Every year, World Storytelling Day honors oral storytelling. On March 20th, the art of oral storytelling is celebrated every year. People around the world are also encouraged to listen and tell stories in as many languages as possible.
Without even knowing it, many of us go through the day engaging in oral storytelling. Have you ever made up a bedtime story for your children? Have you ever told a friend about your most embarrassing moment? What about reliving a childhood memory with a sibling? These are all examples of oral storytelling.
Oral storytelling is about illuminating experiences for an audience.. This audience could include your children or spouse. Professional storytellers also tell stories to whole groups of people.. Most people use gestures, facial expressions, and tones of voice when telling a tale.
Oral storytelling has many positive aspects to it. There are some good things about oral storytelling. Oral storytelling creates rich opportunities to reminisce while still connecting our past to our present, in addition to providing a bonding environment.. Oral storytelling also fosters creativity and inspires visualization..