When is National Elephant Appreciation Day?

Friday September 22nd

Remember, the National Elephant Appreciation Day is September 22nd. The elephant is unlikely to forget.

Elephant Appreciation Day | September 22


Elephants are enthralled by people of all ages. To celebrate with us, discover some surprising facts about them.

These vivacious and social animals live from 60 to 70 years old. Elephants have remarkably close family ties like humans, and elephants have remarkably close family ties. The African Savannah and Asian elephant are two species of elephants that exist. However, recent scientists have reported that the African Forest elephant is also a unique species rather than a subspecies.

These pachyderms are closely related to rhinoceroses and hippos, and hippos are closely related to rhinoceroses and hippos. In fact, pachyderm refers to thick-skinned animals with hooves or nails like hooves. Although the African elephants outgrow the Asian, both elephants take the award for the world's largest land mammal. However, there are some similarities between the species, as well as some that are not..