When is National Muffin Day?

Monday February 20th

National Muffin Day, a renowned celebration packed with flavor and options, as well as options, is served on February 20th.

National Muffin Day - February 20

Bakeries in various sizes are available for these single-serving quick breads.. They also come in a variety of nutritional value, from mini bite-sized muffins and jumbo ones to the coveted muffin tops. A muffin can be high in fat and calories depending on the ingredients. However, replacing whole grains, changing a few other ingredients, and limiting the serving size will all improve a muffin's nutritional quality.

Baking with fresh fruits and berries gives muffins a brighter look. It also helps them from becoming dry as they bake. The blueberry muffin is one of America's most popular muffins. Mixing in nuts and oats is another way to add flavor and texture. Bakers often have a few pieces of chocolate and bananas that must be used. Also, mixing them into the muffin batter will keep your muffin eaters happy in the morning.

How to celebrate #nationalmuffinday. www.nationalmuffindaycom