When is National Pawnbrokers Day?

Wednesday December 6th

National Pawnbrokers Day, which takes place each year on December 6th, honors a career that provides a valuable service to their clients. Many people in need of cash and also those looking for a good price are relying on pawnbrokers to help them.


In the west of Ancient Greek and Roman Empires, thousands of years ago, and in China, over 3000 years ago. pawnbroking has a long history. As security, the pawnbroker offers a loan of cash in exchange for property or items. When the loan plus interest is paid, the pawnbroker returns the home. If the customers don't pay the loan, they forfeit the house, and the pawnbroker may sell it to recover the loan.

Even though no one ever established this kind of brokerage in the United States, government and churches became involved in public pawnshops.

The National Pawnbrokers Association began a wonderful program on National Pawnbrokers Day called Musical Instrument Gift Day five years ago. Pawnbrokers from around the country make generous contributions of musical equipment to charities in need. They worked with Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation and collected instruments for a high school in Mississippi from December 6, 2012.

How to celebrate #nationalpawnbrokersday.