World Alzheimer's Day - September 21
Thu Sep 21st

World Alzheimer's Day

On September 21st, World Alzheimer's Day takes place in the United States Alzheimer's Month. Health organizations around the world focus on raising concerns of this disease on World Alzheimer's Day.

In 1906, Alzheimer's disease was the first diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a progressive brain disorder.. Memory and reasoning skills are gradually lost as a result of the change. People with Alzheimer's eventually lose the ability to do simple tasks. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia. Science hasn't found a cure or a way to prevent the disease at this moment, nor is there a way to prevent the disease.

Alzheimer's disease affects nearly 44 million people around the world. Alzheimer's disease is the most common in Western Europe out of all the world's regions. North America is close behind, with North America being close. 5.5 million people are affected by the disease in the United States. Every 66 seconds, someone in the United States receives an Alzheimer's diagnosis.

As the population age, a greater number of people will be affected by Alzheimer's. For example, the incidence of Alzheimer's doubles in every five years rises beyond the age of 65.. Alzheimer's is expected that by the year 2050, 16 million people in the United States will have Alzheimer's by 2050.

Alzheimer's is the country's 6th leading cause of death. It's the 7th deadliest place on the planet. In addition, the disorder causes more disability and poor health than any other disease.. People with an Alzheimer's diagnosis have a life expectancy ranging from 4 to 8 years.

Not only does the individual with Alzheimer's disease suffer, but their caregivers and family members have a difficult time as well. Caregivers of Alzheimer's disease suffer often with emotional and financial difficulties. Their physical stability has also decreased. They also have a poor physical appearance. Alzheimer's disease worldwide costs the global cost of Alzheimer's disease is estimated at more than $6 billion. The disease is expected to cost over $1 trillion in the United States alone by 2050..

How to be aware of #worldalzheimersday, according to the #worldalzheimersday

On World Alzheimer's Day, several health organizations hold Alzheimer's walks. To raise concerns of Alzheimer's disease, organizations around the world host seminars and public events. Alzheimer's is a disease epidemic. The color of Alzheimer's awareness has been used in the past, including the CN Tower in Toronto and several downtown Chicago buildings.

If you want to celebrate World Alzheimer's Day, try a purple bracelet or ribbon. To help spread the word, attend a walk or other event in your neighborhood to help raise funds. Donate to Alzheimer's Association or Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). (ADI) If you know of someone with Alzheimer's disease, please contact them and their caregiver to find a support group for them and their caregiver. Learn more about ongoing research to find a vaccine or a cure for Alzheimer's.

If you have been affected by Alzheimer's disease, please share your story with others. When posting on social media, use #WorldAlzheimersDay..

N history alzheimer's day in the world alzheimer's day

In 1994, Alzheimer's Disease International celebrated its tenth anniversary. World Alzheimer's Day will be celebrated each year on September 21 as part of the association's centennial.