World Bamboo Day - September 18
Mon Sep 18th

World Bamboo Day

World Bamboo Day, which takes place every year on September 18th, raises concerns about this fast-growing plant. Bamboo's use on a global basis is also acknowledged by the day.

Bamboo is a hard and hollow species of giant grass. It is also a species of giant grass that is both hard and hollow. It is also the world's fastest growing land plant. Bamboo trees that grow 36 inches in less than 24 hours are found in a specific species of bamboo. It grows about one inch every 40 minutes, which means it grows about one inch every 40 minutes. The only thing that grows faster is giant sea kelp.

Bamboo is the panda bear's favorite food, according to most. In fact, 95% of the panda's diet is bamboo.. Bamboo isn't something you may not know about. Here are some fun facts about this amazing plant: Here are some fun facts about this amazing plant..

  • When it cools the surrounding temperature by up to 8 degrees, it acts as a natural air conditioner
  • Some species of bamboo are edible and are used in Asian cuisine and tea
  • Clumping bamboo provides oxygen to the brain and can help with tension headaches
  • Bamboo is found in over 1,500 species around the world
  • Carbonized bamboo filament was used in the first successful lightbulb. b.s
  • Bamboo comes in a variety of sizes, colors, and sizes
  • Bamboo firecrackers were made in China's very first firecrackers.
  • Bamboo groves are safe places to go in the midst of an earthquake

Bamboo poles are both strong and robust. Many people use bamboo in building for this reason. ibacterial properties of bamboo. It also has an anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. b. Bamboo is used to make charcoal due to this.. Furniture, musical equipment, toilet paper, disposable cutlery, solar-powered batteries, flooring, drinking straws, and skateboards are among bamboo-made items. Other bamboo-made items include furniture, musical instruments, toilet paper, disposable cutlery, disposable cutlery, toilet paper, disposable cutlery, disposable cutlery, solar-powered batteries, flooring, drinking straws, and skateboards.

How to celebrate #worldbambooday

People from around the world gather together on this day to share their love for bamboo. Festivals, seminars, and webinars are among the events that have been held.. Instruments made from bamboo are also used in some communities. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate:

  • Learn more about bamboo. Learn more about bamboo
  • Make a list of bamboo-made items
  • Bamboo music is finally available online, according to the lookout
  • Give it a try. Find a DIY bamboo project.

With #WorldBambooDay, you can now post this day on social media.

History of the world bamboo day has dominated world bamboo day.

World Bamboo Day was established by Kamesh Salam. Salam served as president of the World Bamboo Organization from 2007 to 2010. He initiated the 8th World Bamboo Congress in Bangkok in 2009. During this meeting, he and delegates from more than 100 countries declared September 18th as World Bamboo Day on September 18th. They chose this date because it coincides with Royal Thai Forestry Day. The Royal Thai Forestry Day is also on the calendar.