World Elder Abuse Awareness Day - June 15
Thu Jun 15th

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Every year on June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day warns others of elder abuse's prevalence and horrors. It's also a day to remind the world how elder abuse is recognized and how to avoid it.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in every six people 60 years and older experiences violence each year. Elder abuse is affecting senior citizens in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. Around the world, this sort of violence is common.. However, elder abuse cases are the least investigated forms of violence. This means that many criminals are allowed to continue assaulting the elderly.

Types of elder abuse

  • Physical – the use of physical force that results in bodily injury. Physio – the use of physical force that results in bodily injury
  • Sexual – nonconsensual sexual encounter – nonconsensual sexual contact
  • Verbal or non-verbal threats can inflict pain or anguish
  • Financial Exploitation – unlawful or improper use of funds or assets – is a form of financial investigation. Explicit or incorrect use of funds or assets may have harmed financial exploration
  • Neglect – failure to fulfill the responsibilities of caring for someone

Abandonment is also a form of elder abuse.. This occurs when a person who is in charge of the care of an elderly person deserts them. In most cases, elder abuse results in psychological harm for the perpetrator. It can also result in physical injuries and long-term health problems.

Elder abuse symptoms include mysterious cuts or bruises, hunger, poor sanitation, missing money, and alienation from family members or acquaintances. Seniors who are being treated may also suffer from psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, or confusion.

If you suspect a loved one of elder abuse, it's important to tell someone you trust. Elder abuse victims are often victims of elder abuse. This could be your doctor, a colleague, or a family friend. Also, alert the situation to the appropriate authorities, such as the nursing home workers.. Call the police or 911 if the elder is in immediate danger.

Day's #worldelderabuseawarenessday's #elderabuseawarenessday

Many organizations that support the elderly also host special events to raise concerns of elder abuse. Both your neighborhood and others around the world also participate in activities. Elder abuse prevention is also disseminate information by these organizations. Learn the signs of elder abuse so you can better safeguard your elderly loved ones. The best way for you to participate in this day is to learn the signs of elder abuse so that you can better safeguard your elderly relatives. You can also support an organization that advocates for the elderly. The following companies are listed: These companies include:: These companies include:: These companies include:

  • The AARP Foundation
  • The American Health Care Association (AHA) is a member of the American Health Care Association
  • Justice in Aging
  • Aging is a disease that threatens the National Council on Aging
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports Robert Wood Johnson

You may also volunteer at a nursing home or get to know some of the seniors in your neighborhood. If seniors know someone is looking out for them, there is a reduced chance that they will be the victim of elder abuse. With #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay or #WEAAD, spread the word for this day on social media with #WorldElderAbuseAwarenessDay or #WEAAD.

World elder abuse awareness day is coming

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was established in June of 2006 by the International Network for Elder Abuse Prevention (INPEA). The United Nations adopted a resolution on December 19, 2011 at the request of INPEA, the United Nations adopted a resolution on the important day. WEAAD has been held as an official UN observance since June 15th, 2012.