World No Alcohol Day - October 2
Mon Oct 2nd

World No Alcohol Day

World No Alcohol Day, on October 2nd, encourages the general public to say no to alcohol.. The day also focuses on alcohol abuses.

Alcohol is a fun and relaxing way to socialize with others for many people.. Alcohol can help with anxiety. Some people like alcohol to help with stress. When alcohol is consumed responsibly and in moderation, it usually doesn't cause any significant issues. However, if someone drinks too much alcohol, they become intoxicated, which reduces their physical and mental stability, which leads to intoxication. This can result in significant injury. Accidents and injuries are common when driving while inebriated. Someone who is inebriated is more likely to assault another individual physically. Many cases of domestic assault occur when one has been drinking alcohol for the past..

Consider these facts from WHO: If you don't believe alcohol can be harmful, consider these facts from WHO: If you don't think alcohol can be harmful, consider these facts from WHO:

  • Every year, the harmful use of alcohol leads to 3 million deaths
  • Alcohol use in the harmful use of alcohol has been linked to several mental and behavioral disorders
  • People and societies are affected by alcohol use. People and societies are also affected by alcohol use
  • 200 diseases and injuries can be traced to Harmful alcohol use.

Several of the disorders related to excessive alcohol use include elevated blood pressure, liver disease, stroke, and several forms of cancer.

In the United States, one person dies every 50 minutes in alcohol-related vehicle accidents every 50 minutes. The total cost of alcohol-related vehicle accidents is over $44 billion a year.

How to be #worldnoalcoholday

Many health organizations are warning people about the adverse effects of heavy alcohol use on this day. Educational seminars, lectures, and webinars are among the events that include educational seminars, workshops, and webinars. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate:

  • Talk to a loved one about their heavy use of alcohol
  • Encourage the young adults in your household to refrain from alcohol or drink responsibly.
  • Learn more about the adverse effects of alcohol on individuals and societies
  • If you're looking for a way to handle alcohol, call an addiction hotline for assistance or join a support group

With #WorldNoAlcoholDay, you can now promote this day on social media.

There is no alcohol day in history no alcohol day has ever been celebrated in the world no alcohol day

During the World Health Assembly in Geneva in 2008, India suggested a World No Alcohol Day. They chose October 2nd as it commemorated Mahatma Gandhi's birth in 1869, who was born in 1869. They chose the date of October 2nd. Gandhi, a social activist who led the Temperance Movement in India, was a social activist who led the Temperance Movement.. 11 countries in Southeast Asia have supported the proposal. 193 members of the World Health Organisation (WHO) signed a resolution to minimize alcohol-related harm on the same day as the plan was released. In addition, many organisations, including the International Council of Nurses, have followed the day throughout the years.