World Osteoporosis Day - October 20
Fri Oct 20th

World Osteoporosis Day

Every year on October 20th, World Osteoporosis Day is observed. Osteporosis prevention, diagnosis, and treatment is a priority on the day.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bone's density and strength are reduced. Osteoporosis affects over 200 million people around the world.. This is according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation. Osteoporosis is a significant public health issue due to its prevalence. 30% of all menopausal women have osteoporosis in the United States and Europe.

During their remaining years, the overwhelming majority of these women are likely to suffer at least one bone fracture. If a fracture occurs, it raises the chances of having another one. Vertebral fractures, hip fractures, and wrist fractures are all typical osteoporosis fractures.

Women over the age of menopause, especially those past menopause, are at the highest risk of osteoporosis. Other people are at risk of developing this degenerative bone disease are degenerative bone disease. These people include those with a family history of the disease, as well as those with smaller body frames, as well as those with shorter body frames. People who do not get enough calcium, as well as those who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery, are also more susceptible to osteoporosis.

There is no cure for osteoporosis. It's not possible to recover bone loss once bone loss occurs. Prevention is the best medicine, and here's why. Getting adequate amounts of calcium is one of the best ways to prevent osteoporosis. The following are calcium-rich foods include::

  • Low-fat dairy products are low-fat dairy products
  • Almonds and almond milk are among the almond milk Almonds and almond milk's
  • Dark leafy green vegetables are among the dark leafy green vegetables on the dark leafy green vegetables
  • Bones or sardines with bones can be canned salmon or sardines
  • Orange juice with calcium-fortified orange juice is the product of calcium-fortified orange juice

Another way to prevent osteoporosis is to engage in weight-bearing activities. Vitamin D is also important.

How to celebrate #worldosteoporosisday, according to the author

Various events for World Osteoporosis Day are held around the world. Health care facilities around the world host a variety of activities in honor of World Osteoporosis Day. Many of these specialists recommend that their patients be screened for bone density. This type of test determines the amount of mineral in your bones. Both adults and children can attend bone health workshops provided by some health care professionals.

The best way to participate in World Osteoporosis Day is to learn more about the condition.. Consider the following tips for safeguarding your bones. If you are at risk of the disease, schedule a bone density test with your health care specialist to determine whether you are at risk of the disease. To find out if you're at risk of osteoporosis or fractures, take the Osteoporosis Risk Check.. When posting on social media, be sure to use #WorldOsteoporosisDay.

World osteoporosis day is the first world osteoporosis day in history

World Osteoporosis Day was held on October 20th, 1996 by the National Osteoporosis Society of the United Kingdom. Since 1997, the International Osteoporosis Foundation has been assisting the day. In 1998 and 1999, the World Health Organisation (WHO) co-sponsor of World Osteoporosis Day. Around the world, national osteoporosis patient societies host events in over 90 countries.