World Parkinson's Day - April 11
Tue Apr 11th

World Parkinson's Day

Every year on April 11th, World Parkinson's Day raises concerns about this common nervous system disorder. It's also a day to help the general public understand the truth of this disease for those who have it..

According to the latest statistics from the Parkinson's Foundation, over ten million people in the world have this disease. Neurodegenerative disorder occurs when neurons in the brain malfunction or die. This neurodegenerative disorder is common in children. When these nerve cells die, it reduces dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that moves messages from one nerve cell to another. Low dopamine levels cause abnormal brain function, resulting in impaired mobility, which leads to impaired mobility.. This is why tremors are often the first sign of Parkinson's disease.

The following are examples of early signs of this disease::

  • Handwriting reforms have been made as a result of changes in handwriting
  • Loss of smell
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Stiffness in arms or legs is a characteristic of arms or legs
  • Constipation
  • Soft or hoarse voice
  • Dizziness
  • Hunched over posture

Just because someone has one of these signs does not necessarily mean they have Parkinson's disease.. However, if someone has more than one of these signs, they may want to see their doctor. When the disease progresses, it can cause dementia, depression, and limited mobility..

Parkinson's Disease is a progressive disease for which there is no cure.. However, there are medical treatments that may help to control the symptoms. Medication is often used to help with specific signs of this disease.. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is also available for certain patients. (DBS) During this procedure, electrodes are implanted into the brain. These electrodes deliver electrical impulses to the brain, which can help reduce symptoms.

How to celebrate #worldparkinsonsday.

On this day, several health agencies and support groups host a variety of activities. These activities include Parkinson's disease research, webinars, informational displays, and Art for Parkinson's workshops.

To participate:

  • If you're looking for something unique for someone with Parkinson's disease or their caregiver
  • Learn about Parkinson's disease experts, including Muhammad Ali, Neil Diamond, Michael J. Fox, Billy Graham, and Linda Ronstadt
  • Never Steady Never Still Kinetics, Kinetics, and Ride with Larry are among Parkinson's films about Parkinson's
  • If you know someone who has early signs of Parkinson's disease, please encourage them to see their doctor.
  • #WorldParkinsonsDay is a worldwide celebration. Spread the word out on social media by posting a snapshot of a red tulip alongside #WorldParkinsonsDay

The day in history of world parkinson's day in history

World Parkinson's Day was held on April 11th, 1997, by the European Parkinson's Disease Association (EPDA) and the World Health Organization. Dr. James Parkinson's birthday is April 11th. He is the first physician to diagnose Parkinson's disease as a medical condition. "An Essay on the Shaking Palsy," He wrote in 1817, "An Essay on the Shaking Palsy." The red tulip was adopted as the official symbol of the disease during the 9th World Parkinson's Disease Day Conference in 2005.