World Portuguese Language Day - May 5
Fri May 5th

World Portuguese Language Day

Every year, World Portuguese Language Day highlights the vital role that this language plays in preserving human history and culture.

Portuguese is one of the world's most spoken and widespread languages around the world. Portuguese is one of the world's most spoken and widespread languages. It is the most widely spoken language in the Southern hemisphere. The first wave of globalization is also credited to Portuguese speakers.. The Portuguese language influenced other languages due to this.. Study several English words, and you will find their roots in the Portuguese language. Banana, embarrass, acai, breeze, coconut, macaw, monsoon, monsoon, monsoon, molasses, mango, maraca, samba, zebra, and cobra are among the many words that have been used to describe bananas, embarrass, mango, samba, zebra, and cobra. Moso is also a Portuguese word, which means little fly.

About 229 million people in the world today speak Portuguese. About 229 million people in the world today speak Portuguese. This makes Portuguese the ninth most spoken language in the world. A Lusophone is someone who speaks this language. The overwhelming majority of Lusophones live in Brazil. Besides Brazil, eight other nations use Portuguese as the official language.

Countries include: These countries include:: These countries include:: These countries include::

  • Angola,
  • Cabo Verde
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Mozambique
  • Portugal
  • and Principe Principe Principe
  • Timor-Leste

Portuguese is considered a Romance word, dating back to Latin.

Are you interested in learning the Portuguese language? Are you interested in learning the Portuguese language? If you're already familiar with Spanish, French, or Italian, you'll be pleased to know that Portuguese's grammatical system is similar. As well, listening to Brazilian music can be very helpful.

How to celebrate #worldportugueselanguageday.

Many Portuguese-speaking countries mark the occasion with concerts, cultural and artistic performances, and literary performances. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate:

  • Commit to learning the Portuguese language Commit to learning the Portuguese language
  • Learn about famous Portuguese writers like Gil Vicente, Fernando Pessoa, José Lus Peixoa, José Lus Peixoa, José Lus Peixoa, and Luis de Cames
  • Watch a Brazilian and Portuguese film, such as City of God, Central Station, The Man from the Future, Arabian Nights, and Once Upon a Time in Rio

With #WorldPortugueseLanguageDay, you can also post this day on social media.

History of the world portuguese language day has dominated history

The Council of Ministers of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) first began celebrating a Day of the Portuguese Language and Culture on May 5th. (CPLP) In 2019, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) celebrated World Portuguese Language Day. (UNESCO) changed it to World Portuguese Language Day. This was the first time an unofficial UNESCO language was given this distinction.