World Savings Day - October 31
Tue Oct 31st

World Savings Day

World Savings Day, on October 31st, raises public knowledge of the benefits of saving money. It's also a day to reflect on the impact that savings have on the global economy.. The day is sometimes referred to as World Thrift Day.

According to financial experts, you should have three to six months' worth of savings in your savings account.. If your monthly bills are $3000, you should have $9,000 in savings. It's even better if you have enough funds to cover six months of expenses.. You won't have to worry so much if you lose your career or your income changes, if you save this much money. However, if you're like most Americans, you probably don't have enough funds in savings. According to the most recent estimates, 51% of Americans have less than three months' worth of emergency funds in their account. About 25% of those polled say there are no emergency funds at all.

Many people are going from paycheck to paycheck, which is one reason for this. They don't have anything extra for saving after their monthly bills are paid. Others, on the other hand, spend too much money and live above their means. They may not worry about their financial future, but they may not worry a lot about their financial future.

Around the world, there are some countries that are doing a good job of saving money. Here are the countries with the largest personal savings accounts. The following are examples of those that have the highest personal savings::: The countries with the largest personal savings accounts include::

  • Slovenia
  • Estonia
  • Ireland
  • Hungary
  • South Korea
  • The Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Luxembourg

Savings are also good for the whole economy, as well as personal financial stability. When personal savings rates are high, the economy tends to recover more quickly. In addition, when the bills are paid, grocery stores, and other retail stores' doors remain open longer. These businesses have a greater chance of keeping their employees employed. Savings also helps to reduce the amount of debt the world faces.. Global debt stands at a whopping 300 trillion dollars right now.

How to celebrate

On this day, banks, credit unions,, and other financial institutions host events that promote saving money. Many of them have free gifts for opening savings accounts. Some cities host workshops that inform the public on the benefits of saving. To participate: To participate: To participate: To participate: You must register: To participate:

  • Make a budget and decide how much money you can put away in savings each month
  • Set a target to save enough money to pay for at least three months' worth of expenses
  • Teach your children about checking and savings accounts
  • If you're not familiar with money, take an online financial course
  • Learn more about why saving is good for the global economy

#WorldSavingsDay is a hashtag on social media.

History of world savings day has a long tradition.

"International Saving Day" was declared by an Italian professor named Filippo Ravizza on the last day of the 1st International Savings Bank Congress as "International Saving Day" by an Italian professor. In 1924, an annual festival in Milan, Italy, was held. The intention was to warn people that putting their money in a bank rather than under their mattress. After WWII, this day became more popular. Today, nations from around the world celebrate World Savings Day.