World Sjogren's Day - July 23
Sun Jul 23rd

World Sjogren's Day

Every year, World Sjogren's Day, on July 23rd, raises the alarm of this immune system disorder. It's also a day to better understand the signs so that Sjogren's (SHOW-grins) Syndrome is properly diagnosed.

Millions of people around the world suffer from Sjogren's Syndrome. The two key signs of this immune system disorder are dry eyes and dry throat.. The immune system in Sjogren's book attacks the cells that produce saliva and tears. Sjogren's mouth and eyes can also cause problems in other areas of the body. The thyroid, kidneys, liver, lungs, and nerves are all included in this series. Chronic illness is often associated with other health conditions, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sjogren's Syndrome is a symptom of Sjogren's illness.

  • Joint pain
  • Skin rashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Swollen salivary glands are located in the swollen salivary glands
  • Poor dental health
  • Excessive thirst

Chronic exhaustion is also affecting those with Sjogren's Sjogren's. At least 13 forms of exhaustion have been found by The Sjogren's Foundation.. These types of exhaustion include basic, recovery, sudden, weather-related, exhausted, but wired, and exhaustion exacerbated by stress and anxiety. Many people with Sjogren's are likely to suffer from one or two of these types of exhaustion at some point in their lives. For those who suffer with Sjogren's disease, exhaustion is the third most common symptom of the disease.

Because the signs of Sjogren's disease vary from person to person, it can be difficult to diagnose. Many of the signs are similar to other autoimmune disorders, which also makes it difficult to diagnose.

Sjogren's disease is not curable. However, there are some treatment options that can help to reduce symptoms. Medications can help relieve symptoms associated with dry eyes and dry mouth. Hydroxychloroquine has been used to treat symptoms of asthma. Some doctors may also prescribe drugs that suppress the immune system. Ear acupuncture, probiotics, black currant seed oil, and fish oil are among the natural remedies that can help alleviate symptoms.

#worldsjogrensday is a worldwide sjogrensday. how to celebrate #worldsjogrensday

Every year, healthcare organizations and Sjogren's foundations host events to raise funds for this day. These include lectures, webinars, and educational seminars. These include workshops, webinars, and educational seminars. Many with Sjogren's Syndrome also want to participate in research, according to healthcare professionals.

To participate:

  • By reading "The Sjogren's Book," you will learn more about Sjogren's Syndrome
  • If you've been diagnosed with Sjogren's disease, please share your experience with others
  • Shannon Boxx, a tennis legend, Venus Williams, and Olympic gold medalist, among other Sjogren's notables include tennis superstar, Venus Williams, and Olympic gold medalist Shannon Boxx
  • Make a donation to help Sjorgen's study and education.
  • Dr. Henrik Sjogren's profile on the internet Dr. Henrik Sjogren's profile

With #WorldSjogrensDay, you can post this day on social media. #WorldSjogrensDay is a hashtag that has spread on social media. #WorldSjogrensDay is #WorldSjogrensDay. #WorldSjogrensDay is shared on social media. #WorldSjogrensDay is shared on social media.

History sjogren's day in the world sjogren's day sjogren's day

Louise Slaughter, a late congresswoman from 1998, helped launch Sjogren's Awareness Month in April. The Sjogren's Foundation helped raise money for this awareness month. The Sjogren's Foundation established World Sjogren's Day in later years. They chose the date July 23rd to honor Dr. Henrik Sjogren's birthday. In 1933, Dr. Sjogren, the Swedish ophthalmologist who discovered the immune disorder in 1933, was Dr. Sjogren.